I have been in hyderabad for over 5 months now and that is how long it has taken me to make my way to the most famous part of town, "Char Minaar" or the Four minerets which are the most prominent icon of Hyderabad. Its the old part of town which is majestic and built in a time when there were kings and queens ..
It was on a overcast saturday evening that me and two other friends decided to make the 20 km trip and get transported into a completely different world.. there began our adventure...
We left at about 6ish in the evening not thinking about the peek traffic we would face and more importantly not really knowing the way to the place.. we figured that we could ask people on the way where Char Minaar was , surely everyone in Hyderabad could point us in the right direction..after close to 45 minutes on the motorbike i noticed out surroundings had changed there was an old world feel now and people were moving at a different pace.. the buildings were looking more ornate, even though they were probably in need of repair .. but i love all things old so it was a treat to my eyes to see the majestic city around me, the hussle and bussle of people and the thousands of lights slowly going on getting ready for the night shoppers..

As we saw the four minerets we all smiled, partly for having made it in one peice and partly for not being disappointed at the site..just beneath it we were stuck in traffic which gave me a good chance to take it in and also look at all the exciting shops around me and all the trinkets.. i ear marked a few for shopping when we found parking ..
We finally found some parking inside a hospital. It was a calm place in the midst of so much activity and you got the best photo opportunity for the char minaar from there .. being the Japanese tourist that i am i made the most of it.
Our obvious next stop was FOOD.. it was everywhere.. hundreds of fruit vendors selling the reddest pomingenates.. we went looking for Haleem thinking that Ramzaan had started.. only to find out that it was still two days away.. although disappointed we thought we would have a glass of the famous lassi and head to the famous Bangle Bazaar..

Girls, if you ever want to go crazy come to this place.. hyderabad's famous bangle bazaar..

The shop keeper gave us the old world hospitality.. insisted that we stay for some special hyderabadi chai..in the mean time he told us where we would get the best food in this part of town.. 'Shahdaab'

As we headed back the clouds arrived .. and it started pouring

All in all it was a fun day to remember .. and i got a beautiful set of bangles to remember it with.

And if the ladies in the Burkhas wanted to wear tee shirts for an afternoon, what would happen to them exactly?
James (in Ireland)
Nothing would happen. India is a free country. I was wearing a t-shirt and got just as much respect as any other lady there.
阪神ジュベナイルフィリーズ 2010 枠順から勝ち馬予想!オッズから分かる隠れた注目馬・・・過去の結果やデータから分かる誰もが驚く枠馬を大公開
本当に出合える!出合い掲示板の決定版「LOVE-TREE BBS」へようこそ!友達を作りたい人や恋人募集中の人などが集まる当掲示板で理想のパートナーと愛の木を育ててみませんか?
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