Friday, May 23, 2008

Still alive and kicking

Sorry folks for disappearing for a while ..I'm sure some of you would have thought that the Mid Terms were the last you will hear from me .. sorry no such luck ;) ...

So whats the update ...

  • Mid terms finished (and we have got our marks back already) . They were quite rightly followed by a big party on campus were people were looking the happiest in a long while .. No one cared if they did well or not i think the thought of getting to the finish line was good enough..
  • It stormed 3 nights ago .. there was so much rain all night and the whole campus got drenched.. the grass seemed like it was happy. The weather also cooled down. Before the rain we were all feeling like we were inside an oven being baked for someone's super. By the way the thousands of frogs that share the campus with us were very happy too .. you could see them jumping with joy.
  • We had our formal photo shoot. Realised just how hard it is to wear a business suit when the weather is close to 40C . To top it off my one was a woolen one so smiling infront of the camera took my best acting skills.
  • Its election time here on campus and its quite an experience. People campaigning , discussions about who to vote for and midnight soap box sessions. The excitement just doesn't stop.
  • Then there is the usual .. assignments, assignments, tests and exams .. we are all getting so used to these now that we don't pay as much attention, like brushing your teeth in the morning , here its submitting your assignment at 3 in the night, just part of the daily routine.
  • Two of my school friends in Australia got married on the same day (no, not to each other). I missed out on two weddings :(
By the way, in economics I learnt that 'we are all presumed to be rational', its good to get some fiction into the course material every now and then :D

See ya for now !

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