Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kolour Your Life!

Finally .. yes finally I have taken the plunge and left the corporate world for the uncertain and exciting life of an entrepreneur. It has taken many years of thinking 'should I or shouldn't I' but i guess the moment had arrived. For the last few months I had my CIO hat on and was building the website . Its an online fashion accessory store which promises to be affordable and fun!
Now I have my CMO hat on and well its time to test if my marketing major at ISB is going to help make a place in the market.
Wish me luck friends and do Visit my fan page on facebook for an opening discount coupon

Will keep you posted on this journey and hope to encourage those of you that are sitting on the shore waiting to sail out.

One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. ~André Gide