I'm sitting in my sydney bed writting this .. exactly where i started writing my first blog entry from when i got the news that i was about to head to India .. Now i'm an ISB graduate .. what has this really meant for me, things i didn't expect..
* I have new perspective on things .. how the world works and more importantly how it doesn't work...
* I know how much i don't know .. which many say is a good beginning
* I have many many new friends .. from each of these people i have had a chance to learn and grow and i thank each one of them for their friendship
* I know just how much can be achieved in 24 hours (if you don't sleep)
* There are a whole new set of opportunities ..
* I am more aware of my strengths and weaknesses and hope to play these out ..
AND ...
* I believe the the world is my oyster...
So I re-start this blog as i start another journey..
Tomorrow I cross the equator once again from my home in Sydney to India .. this time to Bangalore. I start my first job as MBA in Bangalore on Monday, i'm excited and offcourse a bit anxious. This month at home was spent in the garden attenting to the trees that needed haircuts and trims..I will miss my family and my garden dearly..
For now it's back to India ... Will keep you posted on my new adventure..